Ethical Employment Standards & Child Labour

DYNAMIC HEADWEAR would like to assure all our valued clients, that our factory in China, who we have developed a strong relationship with for over the past 20 years and who we use to manufacture all our goods, has never used CHILD LABOUR and practices ETHICAL STANDARDS in the working environment.

Please see below to learn more about our stance on Labour and Working conditions, both on-shore in our Australia offices, as well as off-shore in our China factory:

Labour Standards

Oz Hoop t/a Dynamic Headwear or Grace Collection, adopt sound labour practices and treat our employees on-shore and off-shore fairly in accordance with local laws and regulations regarding labour and employment.

Employment is freely chosen

Our factory will not use forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour. Workers are not required to lodge `deposits’ or their identity papers with the employer and are free to leave once their shift ends or after giving their employer reasonable notice.

Child Labour

Our factory does not use child labour. “Child” is defined as a person who is younger than the local legal age for completing compulsory education. Our factory personnel are advised of the age of their workers and maintain copies of their workers’ proof of age. Our factory shall follow all applicable laws, regulations and the ILO standards regarding working hours and conditions for all employees.

Involuntary Labour

Our factory does not use involuntary labour. “Involuntary Labour” is defined as work or services which are extracted from any person under threat or penalty for its non-performance and for which the worker does not offer himself or herself voluntarily, and includes all manner of prison, bonded, indentured and forced labour. Workers are free to leave once their shift ends and free to leave their employment after reasonable notice.

Working Hours

All working hours will comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards, whichever affords greater protection. Overtime work should be voluntary, and overtime should not be requested on a regular basis. Suppliers shall guarantee workers breaks and days off in compliance with applicable law.

Wages and Benefits

We provide wages and benefits that comply with all local laws and regulations or match prevailing local manufacturing or industry rates, whichever is higher. Overtime pay shall be calculated at the legally required rate, regardless of whether workers are compensated hourly or by piece rate.

Regular employment is provided

To every extent possible we ensure work performed is on the basis of a recognised employment relationship established through national law and practice. Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided through the imposed use of labour-only contracting or home-working arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment, nor shall any such obligations be avoided through the excessive and prevalent use of fixed-term contracts of employment